Nefarious James | Born To Ride Motorcycle Magazine - Motorcycle TV, Radio, Events, News and Motorcycle Blog - Part 2

Nefarious James

The Squeaky Wheel

Published on February 10, 2021 under Born To Ride
The Squeaky Wheel
Welcome to February, 2021. It’s already one month into the new year, and I gotta wonder how many people made those resolutions on New Year’s and have already quit the attempt to make the changes they wanted to see in their lives. Very unfortunate. We, as a society, need to realize that it takes time, effort and drive to get what we want. Not a handout. What we’ve seen in 2020 is not the right way to go about getting what you want long-term. The old saying is that, ‘the squeaky wheel gets the grease’ and unfortunately, at times that’s true. We…
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Get off your ass, America!

Published on January 8, 2021 under Blog
Get off your ass, America!
Here we are finally in the new year of 2021. Everyone I’ve seem to run into is hopeful that this year will be way better than the last. But as we all know, the old saying says hindsight is 2020 but we look forward to, and are hopeful for, a new and more optimistic 2021. Unfortunately, it appears that the year designation does not seem to change many of the concerns that we as a people have about the outlook of our country. Anyone who knows me knows that I try not to speak about politics, or anything of that…
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Be The Change – Nefarious James

Published on December 18, 2020 under Blog
Be The Change – Nefarious James
I sit here writing this article from a back porch of a friend’s home in the country, my scooter parked in the driveway ready to go, watching a beautiful woman taking a shower while her Doberman growls in my ear. What a life. It’s finally come down to the end of the year with the start of a new year right around the corner and I have to say it’s about damn time. I reflect back on 2020 with vision of 30/30 and I have to say it’s been quite the eye-opener. We all go through tough spots in our…
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Dress for the Slide – Nefarious James

Published on November 20, 2020 under Blog
Dress for the Slide – Nefarious James
If you think riding a motorcycle wearing flip-flops and shorts is a great idea, you’ve obviously not kissed the pavement yet Well everybody, here we are in November. Elections are finally over and we are moving toward Thanksgiving. This month I’m going to touch base on something that drives home last month’s article. Last month, I wrote about trying to be more aware while you’re on the road and how nobody’s going to look after you but you. As fate would have it, I was hit by a car that sideswiped me late on a Friday night and decided to…
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Ride your own Ride – Nefarious James

Published on October 30, 2020 under Blog
Ride your own Ride – Nefarious James
Well, October is upon us and thank goodness for that. It means 2020 is going to come to an end soon. Not soon enough if you ask me. Along with October comes Halloween and maybe Biketoberfest. Love Halloween. This year everyone has a costume. Just don’t wear a mask. Bad joke I know, but it seems appropriate. With that said, I want to comment on the goings on I’ve been seeing lately. There are way too many accidents/incidents involving motorcycles and even worse with fatalities. Snow birds are starting to flock our way and it’s that time of year to…
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When will it be your turn?

Published on October 2, 2020 under Blog
When will it be your turn?
When will it be your turn? When will the Reaper knock on your door, put out his hand and demand his payment. One day you will stand before him for that payment. For decades I have been riding my motorcycle around the country. I’ve experienced a ton of stuff. I’ve been to a lot of events, traveled countless miles, and met incredible people. With all of this, I’ve experienced great joy but recently, I’ve also experienced horrific life-altering sorrow. Over the years I have spoken many times on a topic that I’m sure many of you are tired of hearing…
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Get Your Voice Heard

Published on August 15, 2020 under Blog
Get Your Voice Heard
Hey everyone. Hard to believe July is gone and it’s August already. And along with August comes the ever popular Sturgis Rally. It should be interesting to see the turn out at the Rally this year. Before you know it October will be on top of us. More important to me is to see you out there riding and enjoying those motorcycles. Never forget a new adventure on that bike. Regardless of the manufacturer, it’s only a tank of gas away. With everything going on out in the world today, it’s not difficult to get lost in the stress of…
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I Am An American – Nefarious James

Published on August 3, 2020 under Blog
I Am An American – Nefarious James
I am an American. Not a White American, African American, Mexican American, Italian American and so on. I am an AMERICAN, Period. First and foremost out of all the titles and ranks I have held in my lifetime, this is the title I hold with pride the most. Throughout the years many men and women have sacrificed so much to have that title and defend it to their last breath. As with anything else in this world there is symbolism for everything. We are graced with the American Flag. Not just any flag, but A flag that has represented Hope,…
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Here Goes Everybody

Published on June 24, 2020 under Blog
Here Goes Everybody
Here goes everybody. The moment you’ve been waiting for. More sarcastic and raw points of view from your own Nefarious James. Being upfront, not everybody will agree with me. That’s the beauty of American freedom. Don’t expect me to really care about your point of view or if this hurts your feelings. Grab your crying towel or whatever you need to get ready for this because here it comes both barrels. I am friggin at wits’ end with all this virus shit and stimulus checks that everyone is hoping to receive. Fed up with complacent citizens of this country willing…
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Nefarious James “Second Amendment”

Published on May 27, 2020 under Blog
Nefarious James “Second Amendment”
I believe the past month has been hard on a lot of people. It's not a normal occurrence that the bikers out there are told to stay home and put up their motorcycles in hopes of fending off an unseen attacker. Normally when we are attacked, we respond back with the closest version of what’s described under our second amendment and be done with the issue. This however is a whole new type of deviant. I don’t want this article to be about this virus. I’ve decided to make it about something a lot of people won’t talk about. With…
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Unspoken Responsibility by Nefarious James

Published on April 10, 2020 under Blog
Unspoken Responsibility by Nefarious James
First and foremost I am proud to be an American and an American citizen. That seems to be taken for granted by a lot of people out there but with that statement comes a lot of unspoken responsibility. Our country and the world are currently going through life-changing, historical, times right now. We are shaping and molding a new image of the world we live in. I got to say this, and I’m putting it out there for the whole world to read, what the hell is wrong with a majority of the people living here? We were a country…
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Born To Ride Motorcycle Magazine - Motorcycle TV, Radio, Events, News and Motorcycle Blog