Heroes Ride
Date(s) - 04/01/2023
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Colonial Harley-Davidson
PSA regarding the upcoming “Heroes Ride” at Colonial Harley-Davidson. See attached.
0900 Registration begins / 1000 KSU / Kickstands UP.
Honored to partner with Life Christian Riders (LCR) and Colonial Harley-Davidson (https://colonialhd.com/) on this community event!
Heroes Ride – Colonial Harley-Davidson® (colonialhd.com)
Proceeds to help care for Military, Veterans, and First Responders. The Route is the awesome nickel / dime.
If you have questions or need more information, please let us know. You are also welcome to share this info / invitation and help advertise.
Appreciate your support! God bless and thank you,
Chaplain Alan / H2Heroes