motormens mean streets | Born To Ride Motorcycle Magazine - Motorcycle TV, Radio, Events, News and Motorcycle Blog

motormens mean streets

Does Your Kid Have a Poor Driving Record?

Published on March 10, 2015 under Born To Ride
Does Your Kid Have a Poor Driving Record?
I occasionally assist attorneys with motorcycle crash cases as an expert witness.  Back in 2010, I was involved in a case where a 20-year-old rider on a Hayabusa broad sided an 18-wheeler. The impact speed was estimated at 75 mph. The rider was killed almost instantly. His speed prior to impact was estimated to be around 100 mph. The speed limit on this road was 45 mph and the rider had a clear line of sight of at least ¼ mile and it was a bright and clear day. The rider’s mother was suing the company that owned the truck…
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Motorman’s Mean Streets – Are You Really Proficient on Your Motorcycle?

Published on February 20, 2015 under Born To Ride
Motorman’s Mean Streets – Are You Really Proficient on Your Motorcycle?
Are You Really Proficient on Your Motorcycle? Last week at my Ride Like a Pro class a student asked how long I’d been teaching the Motor Officer techniques. I replied, about 16 years. The student stated, “Wow, I bet you’ve seen it all.” I thought about that for a moment and decided he was right. I have seen it all when it comes to the crazy weird and just plain dumb things people do when trying to learn to ride a motorcycle with skill and confidence. Keep in mind, the course I offer is an advanced skills course and I…
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