Advertising Specs | Born To Ride Motorcycle Magazine - Motorcycle TV, Radio, Events, News and Motorcycle Blog

Advertising Specs

Provided Art Check List:



Bleed Size: 17.5″w x 11.25″h
Trim Size 17″w x 11″h
Live Area: 16.5″w x 10.75″h
Center Gutter 0.75″

Full Page:

Bleed Size: 8.75″w x 11.25″h
Trim Size 8.5″w x 11″h
Live Area: 8″w x 10.5″h

Half Page Horizontal:

No Bleed
Trim Size 7.5″w x 5″h
Live Area 7″w x 4.5″h

Half Page Vertical:

No Bleed
Trim Size 3.75″w x 10″h
Live Area 3.25″w x 9.5″h

Qrt. Page:

No Bleed
Trim Size 3.75″w x 5″h
Live Area 3.25″ x 4.5″h

Business Card:

No Bleed
Trim Size 3.5″w x 2″h
Live Area 3.25″ x 1.75″h

Acceptable File Types. .PDFs, TIFFs, PSD, or JPEGS

All graphics must be designed at 300dpi CMYK (Japan Color 2001 Coated) color profile. If not familiar with Color Profile settings, provide artwork as standard CMYK. But be aware there might be a small color shift when it is converted.

If using black text within a graphic it must be 100% black.

If you are going to be using black graphic objects please use the following Swatch: C:50% M: 40% Y: 40% K: 100%

No graphics should exceed more than 3 Fonts. If you have an idea please discuss it with the Art Director at Born To Ride TV & Magazine prior to deadline. We love new ideas and do not want to curve them. We are just trying to get a little quality control within our publications.

Please always be aware of using your columns for text and ALWAYS SPELL CHECK.

* If designing your graphics in InDesign or Quarks please remember to use imbedded fonts and Export at Press Quality only!


Vertical Banner:

154px w x 372px h

Large Horizontal Banner:

580px w x 200px h

Small Horizontal Banner:

580px w x 150px h

Large Tile Banner:

300px w x 300px h

Small Tile Banner:

300px w x 150px h

Acceptable File Types. .JPEG, .Gif., PNG.

All Web Banners must be designed at 72dpi RGB color profile. Please optimize your banners for Web.

By providing your artwork you have verified and are satisfied that ALL spelling, content and design is correct. We will proof read your supplied ad for errors or inconstancies, but Born To Ride TV and Magazine is not liable for errors on provided art. Customer(s) are responsible for additional charges if reprinting is necessary. We recommend you proof.

Born To Ride Motorcycle Magazine - Motorcycle TV, Radio, Events, News and Motorcycle Blog