Terry Longpre 04-06-18
American Patriot’s
On March 29th, I attended the Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Ceremony at the Sarasota National Cemetery. It was humbling to see the nine hundred (900) plus in attendance. Along with the Vietnam Veterans, there were wives and family members who supported them during their time ‘in country.’ Not enough is said about the support from families during the war in Vietnam. Without them, those serving would not have fared as well as we did.
I want to personally thank those family members for those who served to protect us. The keynote speaker was General Henry H. Shelton, US Army (Retired) who at one point in his career was Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff as well as Command General of numerous units such Special Operations Command, XVIII Airborne Corps, and the 82nd Airborne Division. He was in Vietnam, Panama, the Gulf War, Operation Uphold Freedom and the War on Terror to name a few. His accomplishments are unbelievable, and his list of medals and ribbons are numerous, including Congressional Gold Medal presented to him by the 107th Congress. (wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_Shelton)
The program was put on by Tidewell Hospice and it was held at Patriot Plaza, Sarasota National Cemetery, which was built and is maintained by funding through the Patterson Foundation
What I witnessed on the 29th is what keeps me writing my ‘American Patriot’s’ column. I have supported Sarasota National cemetery since its beginning. I have been involved in one way or another since the second burial and as of Saturday, the total number of burials at the cemetery is now 17,000 plus. It does a heart good to support those who signed up to protect us over the years covering the entire globe. They indeed need a place to rest with their brothers and sisters who also served, along with their spouse, if desired.
On Easter, our family attended church which was almost at full capacity to celebrate Jesus rising from the grave. For those who believe and understand what Christianity does for the believers, it is worth protecting. For some who are on a global agenda to take over all and anything to do with Christianity should be aware they may find themselves on the wrong end of what is expected and demanded by those who live here.
Motorcycle Safety
Recently there has been a rash of motorcycle wrecks in Manatee as well as surrounding countries with several deaths. DO NOT assume the driver of a motor vehicle sees you and will yield to you even if you are in the right.
This time of year, people are in a rush to get back to their homes in the north country or need something from the grocery store and they’re not paying attention to anyone, so someone riding a motorcycle is no major concern. You must have your head on a swivel and always be aware of your surroundings. If you get home and your neck hurts you are riding safely this time of year.
God bless American and those who protect us.
Terry Longpre