Stilettos on Steel_March 2019 | Born To Ride Motorcycle Magazine - Motorcycle TV, Radio, Events, News and Motorcycle Blog

Stilettos on Steel_March 2019

Published on March 1, 2019 under Born To Ride
Stilettos on Steel_March 2019

Greetings Lady Riders! Did you know that 27% of motorcycle riders are women? That percentage just keeps increasing! My name is Wendy LaForce. I am the Sun Coast District Coordinator for Stilettos on Steel and Public Relations/Marketing Representative/Good Will Ambassador for Born To Ride and Born To Ride Women’s World. This is an amazing opportunity for me to share my love for motorcycle riding with the female element of our biker community. I am here to help you! Life’s too short to let dreams sit idle. Make every day count. Take the course. Learn how to ride. Make your dreams come true. Contact me today to get started.


Stilettos on Steel provides membership and networking services to female motorcycle riders all over the United States. Our driving desire is to help women who dream of riding to take the next step in becoming a motorcycle rider. Our more experienced members enjoy working with new riders to help them hone the skills learned in their riding class and prepare them for adventures on the open road with their new Stiletto Sisters.


I have met so many amazing women each one writing their own life story adventure by adventure, since starting my own chapter of Stilettos on Steel back in May of 2016. We have grown to 115 members in 5 chapters and we ride unapologetically deep! We empower one another’s uniqueness, strength, and peace of mind. We accept every female motorcyclist for who she is. We don’t judge but encourage each step in her journey.


Featured Member of the Month:

Robin Hawk (aka The Enforcer) Co-Regional Coordinator Nature Coast Chapter

Robin is a walking recruitment poster. She joined with little expectations. She was fortunate enough to have her husband as a riding partner and figured she might find a couple of riding lady friends. What she found has been life-changing for her. She never realized how much she would enjoy the Stilettos on Steel Sisterhood. She rapidly became a Co-Regional Coordinator and trusted her new sisters enough to just let her hair down and relax. Her personality has blossomed, and she will never look back. She has made a promise to the Nature Coast Chapter members that she will be transparent, honest, kind, and positive as their leader. Her Co-Regional Coordinator Mariann Hall has the same level of integrity. They make a solid team. Even though they lead the Nature Coast Chapter, they love to support the efforts of all the Sun Coast District because we are sisters. We all ride as one. Here’s to the power of positive women unafraid to conquer on 2-3 wheels!


We’re gearing up for our largest event yet! Born To Ride presents International Female Ride Day Saturday, May 4, 2019, sponsored by Stilettos on Steel Female Riders Group, Bert’s Barracuda Harley-Davidson, Quaker Steak & Lube, Born To Ride and Born To Ride Women’s World!


International Female Ride Day (IFRD) is a global motorcycle campaign for women motorcycle riders. The worldwide synchronized day occurs once a year and invites around the world to simultaneously. Take part and JUST RIDE! By participating and riding on International Female Ride Day, women motorcycle riders demonstrate their passion, ability, enthusiasm and involvement in motorcycling on all levels.

Mark your calendars now! If you are a lady rider, we want you! Come from near and far! RIDE! Details to come!

We support and empower each Stiletto Sister to ride with her head held high followed by a jet stream of confidence radiating from her pipes! Want to have an everlasting smile too? Want to fly faster than your demons? Contact me today!

Wendy LaForce 727-557-8624

Check us out at


Born To Ride Motorcycle Magazine - Motorcycle TV, Radio, Events, News and Motorcycle Blog