Terry Longpre 02-15-18 | Born To Ride Motorcycle Magazine - Motorcycle TV, Radio, Events, News and Motorcycle Blog

Terry Longpre 02-15-18

Published on February 15, 2018 under Blog
Terry Longpre 02-15-18

American Patriot’s

I recently read a Letter to the Editor (Bradenton Herald) written by folks who watched Sheriff’s Office Motorcycle Sergeant (Mike Kenyan) interacting with some children at a restaurant. I want to thank Mike for carrying on a ‘law enforcement/family’ tradition.

It is not uncommon for those employed as Deputies, Police Officers or Fire personnel to interact with the public, especially children. With the stress generated by their jobs, it is a release for pent-up emotions and stress. Who better to make friends with than children and young adults?

Over my years with the Police Department and Sheriff’s Office, I spent time with the neighborhood kids, playing basketball, a little football, frisbee, occasionally throwing a baseball or just sitting and talking.

These interactions are not only good for the young adults, it’s good for everyone involved.

Ladies and gentlemen keep up the good work, start the personal contact process early, so it will play out throughout their lives. Law enforcement and emergency services personnel are not the enemies, they are your neighbors, relatives, and friends doing what they have taken an oath to do, protect you, your family and property.

Those who work daily to protect others are not the fancy sports celebrities who make millions of dollars a year, they are your hometown heroes. Take time to stop and talk with them. You will be a better person for doing so.

This also applies to those serving in the military, they need your support as much as anyone I can think of.

Support those who can make a real difference in our lives, not those who seem to be in bitter combat to destroy our lives as we know them.

Recently the subject of a military parade came up in conversation regarding President Trump wanting to ‘thank’ the troops for what they do daily.

Some folks got their knickers in a wad and said it would make us look like a third world country, which it might or might not.

As far as I am concerned, there should be no national parade, the parades should be held locally in the hometowns throughout the country for those who have served, and their families and friends can show their support.

One concern would be the cost of the venture and the second would be the security it would take to protect those viewing and participating in the parade.

There would be protesting coming from all over just to make a statement and I’m sure the local law enforcement folks would feel the brunt of the blow, no matter what happened, good or bad.

Support those who protect you, be they overseas or on our local streets. They all have taken an oath to serve and protect, “So help me God.”

We as a nation need to put God back in our lives and live by his teachings. Churches need to step up and praise HIM for our lives outside the building’s structure.

God Bless this great nation we know as America. If America upsets you, you may be in the wrong country. Planes are leaving every hour for somewhere else you may like.

Terry Longpre

Born To Ride Motorcycle Magazine - Motorcycle TV, Radio, Events, News and Motorcycle Blog