Terry Longpre 01-25-18 | Born To Ride Motorcycle Magazine - Motorcycle TV, Radio, Events, News and Motorcycle Blog

Terry Longpre 01-25-18

Published on January 25, 2018 under Blog
Terry Longpre 01-25-18

American Patriot’s

My column is driven by several personal agendas, number one is to lift-up those who serve in the military, law enforcement and as first responders. Number two, concern for the way the government (federal to city) promotes themselves all the while spending taxpayers’ dollars.

In the case of those in the military they are and should be considered minorities, after all, they represent less than 10% of the total population and somewhere around 22-24% of those serving in Congress.

Having said that, it appears what might be an issue is the fact the other 76-79% of Congress has no idea what it’s like to protect this country. Most of them are lawyers who seem to be driven by fame, fortune and in some case the opposite sex.

There is no teamwork, it appears it is about ‘me’ and not we. If they cared for the United States of America as a whole, we would once again be the biggest, brightest contributor the world has ever seen. As it is, we can’t seem to get past the congressional hearings, naysayers, lying, cheating and those who do not wholly believe in the American dream.

It may be time to rid ourselves of those who have taken up permanent residency in the halls of Congress doing what is good for them and not “We the People.’ It may be time to vote them out and replace them with less self-centered common working people.

As I photographed the much-awaited veterans parade at the 2018 Manatee County Fair, I realized some of those who served had never had a ‘Welcome Home’ parade (mostly Vietnam Veterans) as was seen for those returning from other wars.

Vietnam was a war within itself in the United States when protesting was the way to achieve newfound leadership. Those who were in Vietnam watched the protests and those who fled the country to Canada, etc. to keep from having to serve all the while thinking to themselves, why me. The why me question was answered by the 75% of draft age men who volunteered to serve in the military (as well as 7,484 women, mostly nurses).

The facts of the Vietnam War were sometimes confused with fiction depending on what side of the political ball you happen to be on.

During Vietnam Walter Cronkite’s broadcast ‘Report from Vietnam” was the turning point for the American public as it turned them against the war and even made President Johnson not seek reelection.

The fashionable thing to do at that point was to protest the war, those serving and even their families, which I can personally attest too.

Vietnam was a ‘numbers game’ facilitated by higher-ups in the military and those in Washington. Accordingly, the war was lost due to our government folding like a cheap house of cards when elections loomed in the future.

I personally thank everyone who served when I meet them and those from Vietnam I always add “Welcome Home.”

A friend of mine sent me the following video link which should be watched by everyone. It is called ‘I am a Veteran’ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MfoQ0CLq9A).

God bless our troops, law enforcement, first responder and most importantly America).

Terry Longpre

Born To Ride Motorcycle Magazine - Motorcycle TV, Radio, Events, News and Motorcycle Blog