MILITARY & MOTORCYCLES_SEPTEMBER 13, 2013 | Born To Ride Motorcycle Magazine - Motorcycle TV, Radio, Events, News and Motorcycle Blog


Published on September 13, 2013 under Born To Ride LifeStyle


My Take on Syria

First of all here’s the disclaimer. I am in no way an expert on Middle East foreign affairs. Secondly, thank God I am not a politician in any way, shape or form. As a matter of fact my patience has worn very thin with our elected officials in Washington.


My personal take on what should be done with Syria comes from common sense and basic logic which I learned over 66 years of dealing with all types of people, good and bad. I was taught and learned to ‘read’ people by their mannerisms, the way they spoke, eye contact and ‘tells’ such as facial expressions, twitching lips, flinches, posture, etc. I also understand the situation is a real problem for Israel existing in the region.


Here’s my observation on the unfolding situation and you may read this after a decision is made by our elected leaders due to this column being written almost a week from publication. The majority who have voiced an opinion in the matter have no battlefield experience what so ever. The others have been in the region for a few days and have somehow become experts in what they are ‘pitching.’


For those very few in Washington who have been in past wars, the older ones make me really nervous. They seem to have lost what it takes to make a viable, reasonable decision as to what will be required to make this a non-combat war.


If the folks in Washington get us involved in any way, we will be in an eventual ground war which will cost numerous lives to fight. No matter what the experts feel we are getting suckered into a war the American people don’t want, nor do those in the military who will have to fight it.


Washington we are a war weary nation and the troops who would have to fight this war have been deployed and redeployed numerous times over the years. Also, the American bank account is depleted and maybe that may be the plan of the leadership, to make us a bankrupt nation. That would allow Washington to take over and run things, not “We the People.” I’m with Sarah Palin on this one “Let Allah sort it out.”


Recently John McCain was questioned regarding the use of the phrase Allahu akbar and he said “Would you have a problem with an American or Christians saying ‘thank God?” Seriously John, have you forgotten in a majority of the attacks by Islamic jihadists or sympathizers they used the same terminology? Here is my suggestion, stay out of the fray and let those in the arena fight it out. If they don’t want freedom and choice then so be it, it’s their choice, not ours.


IF we get involved it should be like WWII where we actually wanted to win a war, not this pansy back and forth stuff at the United Nations. The UN has never won anything other than our money (2 Billion dollars, plus annually) and they still don’t like us.


GOD Bless America and those who serve to protect us.


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