MILITARY & MOTORCYCLES_MARCH 1, 2013 | Born To Ride Motorcycle Magazine - Motorcycle TV, Radio, Events, News and Motorcycle Blog


Published on March 1, 2013 under Born To Ride

Respect for the American Flag

A concerned citizen contacted the North River News Office and wanted me to know there were folks who did not light their American Flags at night in a certain retirement community. She also said that she had contacted someone from the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) regarding the rule (Flag Laws and Customs) which says in part “§174. Time and occasions for display – “However, when a patriotic effect is desired, the flag may be displayed twenty-four hours a day if properly illuminated during the hours of darkness.”


She was advised the Rule had recently changed and that the American Flag could be displayed unlit after darkness. I was pretty sure that was incorrect so I did a little research and I could not find where the Rule had changed on any of the websites which I visited so I contacted the VFW Headquarters in Washington, DC and spoke with a Mr. Joe Davis. He told me the rule “Had not changed and the Flag should be illuminated during darkness.” The nice lady was also concerned about the shape of some of the flags which were being flown in her retirement community. She felt some should be replaced and the old flags disposed of or retired properly.


I took a ride through the area in question and found numerous Flags on display, all of which looked to be in functional condition. I did notice about 15-20% of those on poles had solar lights attached to the poles for illumination purposes. It was during the daylight hours when I rode through and I can’t be 100% if all of the lights were in working condition or not.


As far as disposal of tattered, faded or unserviceable Flags they may be taken to a local VFW, American Legion or any military service organizations for proper disposal.


If for any reason you cannot take the flag in yourself, please email me at and I will pick it up (in Manatee County) and take it to one of the local organizations for suitable disposal.

Please remember two sections of the Flag Code; “No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America.” Section 8 and “The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing.” Section 8j.


Over the years I have average 97 civilian military funeral services or interments at National Cemeteries, all of those who have served this country are covered with OURAmerican Flag. Show the Flag the respect it deserves, many people have died for what it represents.


Military Issues


New Agent Orange Information can be viewed online at… or


Motorcycle Events


SARASOTA – 14th Annual St Patty’s Day Poker Run. 11am-Noon Registration at Humane Society of Sarasota (2331 15th Street, Sarasota). The run benefits the Humane Society of Sarasota County. For more information contact Donna at (941) 951-7005.


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